In bahir dar university present symposium
Wednesday 25/04/05 around 8:30 present session in bahir dar university odet
ream .the symposium is focus on awuramba communities.The founder of awuramba community doctor
zumra nuru present his work shop which
is concerned awuramba society.According
to doctor zumra nuru
awuramba society have auniqe characteristics of work habit and way of
life. He
says” there is no separation of work in awuramba society.” We are believe that
equality of gender .woman works theActivities
of men and works the activities of women
such as cooking wot ,preparing enjera and so on.the society also developThe
equality of gender they said we can do every thing with out the separation of
work as Zumra expression.In
relation to the above female works
male activities that is your father
work, male works female activities that
is your motherWork.”said
the founder of the community.”In
awuramba society the different is not the separation of work, but the different is natural gift that is
pregnancy and birth.During
the session doctor zumra
During the session doctor Zumra said our community is the
proud of Ethiopia
as well as world because of it is show the equality of gender in work place.
During ancient time females dependent her husband or
families, now day females equal compete as male at any work place, this is the
implication of equal participation of the society.
The founder of the community doctor Zumra has approved five
notions to the development of work
habit in the society. These are the respect ion of women equality, respect children’s
right, support older and children’s in the society, avoid bad habit that is
rob, insult and murder, avoid racism
.according to doctor Zumra those basic
notions respect the community to develop work habit strength, increasing participation as well as production
in the society Generally awuramba society has unique society as
Ethiopian context as well as world because their characteristics are hard work.
Even if there is no believe in the society.